For new registrations, please complete the form below or contact Susie Crovo at or 207-538-3807. The following items will be needed to enroll students in RSU 29:
Proof of Residency
Birth Certificate
Online Acceptable Use Policies
Please complete these forms for the RSU 29 Technology Department. Thank you.
Please note: The above links are for the 24-25 SY. The Online Acceptable Use Policies for the 25-26 SY will be going out on April 11th across our social media and website.
Transportation Registration 2025-26
Due to a shortage of bus drivers in RSU #29 for the 2025-26 school year, we need to reconfigure bus runs from what existed last year. In order to do this, we need updated information from parents/guardians who have a child/ren that will need transportation provided by the school district. Please fill out this form for EACH child. Registration deadline will be August 19th.
Student Records
To Request Student Records
Fax: 207-532-4769