Seven students at Houlton High School have received the Seal of Biliteracy showing proficiency in the Spanish language this year. Not only have some students obtained their Seal of Biliteracy, but some have earned a score that was high enough to be awarded the Global Seal of Biliteracy. This is a huge accomplishment for each student as the test is very challenging and demands hours of time in front of a computer screen. There are four sections to this difficult test which consist of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. A student taking this test can score in one of the three main categories of the test, which are novice, intermediate, and advanced. These four sections are scored separately, and in order to pass the exam, the student has to earn an intermediate mid-level on each section. This makes the test even more challenging as an individual needs to meet this level of proficiency in each section to pass.
"I felt very prepared for this exam. I have been enrolled in Spanish since my freshman year, and have worked hard to improve my Spanish each time I walk into class, along with my classmates. My teacher, Traci Storti, has put in countless hours of work to make sure each student would be well prepared for this challenging test and succeed in the end. In Spanish class, we are exposed to the four main sections of the test daily, which leads to our success on this exam." -HS Student
Also on May 18th, the National Honor Society celebrated its 16 graduates and 18 new inductees. "All student members must reflect the program’s respective pillars to be inducted—ideals such as scholarship, service, leadership, and character—and they must continue demonstrating these pillars within their community throughout their membership." (